Monday, December 30, 2019

18. Epic 40K Imperial Fists

Painted my first unit of Imperial Fists for Epic 40K. These are part of my Epic 40K prints I made earlier this year. One thing I learned on painting and photographing these miniatures is that you can't use Nuln Oil on them to highlight. All that did was show the print lines. I'll have to come up with a better method.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

17. Flesh Tearers Space Marine

There was an article I read about the Flesh Tearers in an old White Dwarf from 2014. It was intriguing and I thought they might be fun to paint. The model was designed by VidovicArts. It was part of a monthly patreon release. I primed the model black and then proceeded to paint on the red and dd the logo by hand. I'm pleased with it. It's now mounted to my Space Marine wall diorama.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

16. The Dark Knights of the Ordo Hereticus (1/72)

Another alternative scale test print for 40K. Space Marines of the Dark Knights Chapter. The Dark Knights are a little known secretive Chamber Militant of the Ordo Hereticus. They are one of, if not the smallest chapter of Astartes in the Imperium. Rarely if ever have they operated beyond a level greater than a kill team assisting a Witch Hunter.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

15. Warhammer 40K in 15mm

So I have been experimenting with 40K in alternate scales aside from Epic and standard GW. What I am wanting is large scale skirmish battles that allows for vehicles and large weapons on a smaller table. Earlier this year I decided to share my war-room with my wife Heather. So one of the first changes was reducing my wargame table down to a standing 3'x3' table. Further I don't have room to store all the forces I want to build for standard sized 40K. Also I want to keep Epic40K at a more grand tactical level vice skirmish battles.

So I am learning Kill Team and it's awesome but it doesn't scratch my big battle 40K itch. I want several tanks and platoons of men on each side. I digress. So here is an experiment with 15mm printed 40K models. I have other scales to test soon, 10mm & 1/72.

War Hunter Wolf Rider Assault Marine

Sunday, November 10, 2019

14. Imperial Fist Helmet

Continuing with my 40K decor theme I've added an Imperial Fists helmet. I have designed a wall shelf to mount him on and will print it in the near future.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

13. My 40K Wall

Here is a shot of my 40K wall. I left out the Space Marine Chapter Diorama as it's already pictured in previous posts. I have more to add to the wall over time.

12. Miniature Shelves

I found a wall shelf on Thingiverse and expanded upon it to hold a KILL TEAM squad. So far I've made two and have the beginning of the both my Feudal and Felghast Astra Militarum models on them.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

11. Heavy Bolter Round

One of the benefits of having my own 3D printer farm is the ability to make 40K props and accessories. Here is a heavy bolter round I made and painted.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

10. Lions Sanguine Reclusiarch

Lord Deimos, Reclusiarch of the Blood Lions. This ol' Blood Lion has faithfully served the Emperor for the past 200 years as a chaplain and the last 40 years as Reclusiarch. His Crozius Arcanum has crushed the heads and chests of uncounted xenos, mutants and heretics deep within the Auston Segmentum.

The Blood Lions have such faith in the Emperor that they are considered near zealots by some. Lord Deimos has been known to visit nearby star systems to ensure their devotion to the Emperor has not faltered.

Deimos is a 3D printed model from ThatEvilOne, another fine designer from the Maker's Cult. I support both his and TMC on Patreon.

The Blood Lions shoulder pad was a separate print. I knocked off his sigimarine looking pad on the left and replaced it with this one. I love the look of both on opposite sides.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

9. Felghast 8th Siege Regiment "The Mighty 8th"

I bought the generic headless Astra Militarum army files from Brexit (of The Maker's Cult fame) over on I also used a head from his free files of Imperial Heads on Thingiverse. The result was this wicked looking guardsman. I debated for several days over the name of the regiment and arrived at the "Felghast 8th Siege Regiment, "The Mighty 8th"."

I have more models to printed and assembled ready for priming. I don't know just yet how big I want the force to be but I doubt it will exceed 1,500 points, if that.


Saturday, August 17, 2019

8. 40K Wall Diorama & Space Marine Poster

The inspiration for this project was born from the Adeptus Astartes poster that I have had for a decade and finally had mounted on blackboard and hung on my wall (see below). Now unlike that poster my wall diorama will not be limited to just the Astartes but will feature models from the different part of the 40K lore that I like and enjoy.

The models stands and background tokens are all 3Dprinted along with some of the models.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

7. Crimson Hawks Sergeant

My grown son and I were discussing his custom chapter of the Crimson Griffons. He wants colors of dark grays and red in an urban-camo type pattern. Below is my attempt at a Crimson Griffons Sgt but... he didn't like it. Too bad, he will go on my 40K wall diorama which I will post here soon. I will call him a Sergeant of the Crimson Hawks.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

6. The Feudal Guard

So as a patron of the Maker's Cult I am privy to a wide range of models each month. Earlier this year TMC released the Feudal Guard. I love them. I'm not sure just yet how big the army will be but not more than 1500 points. The picture isn't great. I'm still learning about lighting and photography.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

5. Lions Sanguine Space Marine Chapter aka the Blood Lions

Another of my custom DIY chapters. The Blood Lions are a Space Marine Chapter of unknown origins, though they are suspected to be descended from the Dark Angels. They have stewardship over an agri-world in the Auston Segmentum. Their colors are cardinal, white and black. They prefer close quarters combat and do not follow the Codex Astartes.

They are limited by Imperial Edict to 500 Space Marines for some long ago unknown offense. This has resulted in each Company being organized into smaller sub-chapters so that each Company will have all the assets it needs to fight on it's own.

Friday, July 19, 2019

4. Epic 40K Space Marine Force

I started printing a Space Marine force for Epic 40K. I am undecided as of yet which chapter they will represent but I am leaning towards the Imperial Fists. Some of the models are not quite to scale like the landspeeder is way too big. More to come.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

3. 6mm Emperor's Children Chaos Space Marines

I've never really cared for the fancy boys of Slaanesh. However one day a month or so back I saw a YouTube video of a NetEpic battle between the Emperor's Children and an Imperial faction. The Epic scale models of EC impressed me so I made my own. Here are the first three units.

The two guards behind the officer are 3D printed models.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

2. The War Hunters Space Marine Chapter

The War Hunters are my own DIY custom Space Marine Chapter. I have one requirement for this chapter and that is for all models will be 3D printed or augmented with 3D parts. I come up with the idea for the War Hunters based on another custom chapter called the Head Hunters.

For now I am sticking with 28mm but I may field some War Hunters units in Epic 6mm, and custom 15mm. Now that said I am printing a set of 5 Space Marines at 56mm scale for my combat photography hobby.

The War Hunters carry the gene-seed of Corvus Corax and are successors of the Raptors Space Marine Chapter as their first chapter master was Kohl Liebhen a famed Raptors & Deathwatch lieutenant and a master of guerilla warfare.

The first Space Marine for the War Hunters. Note the free hand Raptor logo of the chapter.

Tactical Rhino

56mm tall War Hunter Space Marine
A War Hunters Assault Space Marine

1. Warhammer 40,000 Battle Table

I have adorned my battle table with the regalia of a grim, dark future. To learn more on the hobby of Warhammer 40,000 please visit Games Workshop.

The Emperor protects.