Wednesday, July 17, 2019

2. The War Hunters Space Marine Chapter

The War Hunters are my own DIY custom Space Marine Chapter. I have one requirement for this chapter and that is for all models will be 3D printed or augmented with 3D parts. I come up with the idea for the War Hunters based on another custom chapter called the Head Hunters.

For now I am sticking with 28mm but I may field some War Hunters units in Epic 6mm, and custom 15mm. Now that said I am printing a set of 5 Space Marines at 56mm scale for my combat photography hobby.

The War Hunters carry the gene-seed of Corvus Corax and are successors of the Raptors Space Marine Chapter as their first chapter master was Kohl Liebhen a famed Raptors & Deathwatch lieutenant and a master of guerilla warfare.

The first Space Marine for the War Hunters. Note the free hand Raptor logo of the chapter.

Tactical Rhino

56mm tall War Hunter Space Marine
A War Hunters Assault Space Marine

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