Sunday, December 22, 2019

15. Warhammer 40K in 15mm

So I have been experimenting with 40K in alternate scales aside from Epic and standard GW. What I am wanting is large scale skirmish battles that allows for vehicles and large weapons on a smaller table. Earlier this year I decided to share my war-room with my wife Heather. So one of the first changes was reducing my wargame table down to a standing 3'x3' table. Further I don't have room to store all the forces I want to build for standard sized 40K. Also I want to keep Epic40K at a more grand tactical level vice skirmish battles.

So I am learning Kill Team and it's awesome but it doesn't scratch my big battle 40K itch. I want several tanks and platoons of men on each side. I digress. So here is an experiment with 15mm printed 40K models. I have other scales to test soon, 10mm & 1/72.

War Hunter Wolf Rider Assault Marine

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