Sunday, May 10, 2020

27. Stormhammers Space Marines Chapter

The Stormhammers were founded by loyalist survivors of the Iron Warriors that were adopted by Rogal Dorn. Their sigil is an imperial yellow hammer on a black field. They are not a codex compliant chapter. The Stormhammers are specialists in siege warfare. Each company is a mini-chapter all it's own. This allows the chapter to deploy to several locations in support of Imperial Forces that are laying siege to some enemy faction. There have been times when a single company was able to split itself in two parts, each fully capable of supporting itself in combined arms siege warfare.

They have been the hammer that have shattered countless foes who thought they could hide behind their walls or fortresses safe from the wrath of the Emperor. The Stormhammers and the Adeptus Mechanicus have a close bond. On more than one occassion have the Stormhammers come to the rescue or reinforcement of the Cult Mechanicus.

The Stormhammers homeworld of Skerjhejm is garrisoned by chapter serfs and one company on a rotational basis. The other 9 companies are fleet based and on deployment throughout the Segmentum. They have no chapter master, instead they are led by the mandates of a great council of their company captains, librarians, chaplains, and dreadnoughts.

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