Monday, December 30, 2019

18. Epic 40K Imperial Fists

Painted my first unit of Imperial Fists for Epic 40K. These are part of my Epic 40K prints I made earlier this year. One thing I learned on painting and photographing these miniatures is that you can't use Nuln Oil on them to highlight. All that did was show the print lines. I'll have to come up with a better method.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

17. Flesh Tearers Space Marine

There was an article I read about the Flesh Tearers in an old White Dwarf from 2014. It was intriguing and I thought they might be fun to paint. The model was designed by VidovicArts. It was part of a monthly patreon release. I primed the model black and then proceeded to paint on the red and dd the logo by hand. I'm pleased with it. It's now mounted to my Space Marine wall diorama.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

16. The Dark Knights of the Ordo Hereticus (1/72)

Another alternative scale test print for 40K. Space Marines of the Dark Knights Chapter. The Dark Knights are a little known secretive Chamber Militant of the Ordo Hereticus. They are one of, if not the smallest chapter of Astartes in the Imperium. Rarely if ever have they operated beyond a level greater than a kill team assisting a Witch Hunter.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

15. Warhammer 40K in 15mm

So I have been experimenting with 40K in alternate scales aside from Epic and standard GW. What I am wanting is large scale skirmish battles that allows for vehicles and large weapons on a smaller table. Earlier this year I decided to share my war-room with my wife Heather. So one of the first changes was reducing my wargame table down to a standing 3'x3' table. Further I don't have room to store all the forces I want to build for standard sized 40K. Also I want to keep Epic40K at a more grand tactical level vice skirmish battles.

So I am learning Kill Team and it's awesome but it doesn't scratch my big battle 40K itch. I want several tanks and platoons of men on each side. I digress. So here is an experiment with 15mm printed 40K models. I have other scales to test soon, 10mm & 1/72.

War Hunter Wolf Rider Assault Marine